Plays Well With Others Award

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Cynthia’s 2009 Plays Well With Others Awards

Ta da da da!

May I personally acknowledge two groups?  InterPlayers who do what they do best—play well with others, and those who play well with us!

Given the spirit of affirmation the “plays well with others” awards could be endless. There’s a dozen event organizers, 15 life practice program leaders, Untensive and class leaders in 50 cities, a flock of international partners in 8 countries, 800 InterPlay graduates from the Life Practice Program, hundred plus people in the leader’s circle, twelve wily new national board members, a lean powerful staff, several performance companies dedicated to outreach, a powerful corps of generous contributors in our Giving People Wings Society, and since October, 42,592 Creative connections made between people using InterPlay. YOU ARE ONE IN A MILLION!

Three unique lights got sparked to remind the world how important it is to play together with ease, compassion, and creativity:

The Million Connections Campaign: “Dream big or stay home,” said some crazy person. Theron Shaw, our new development director helped us identify that “connecting” is a primary act of InterPlay. We connect people, spirits, intentions, ideas, countries, resources. Thank you, THERON, YOU ARE ONE IN A MILLION!

The InterPlay Inspiration Deck: Anita Bondi in Pennsylvania did it again. First it was InterPlay jewelry! Now she’s given us the InterPlay Inspiration Deck!  The best intro to InterPlay yet! ANITA, YOU ARE ONE IN A MILLION!

The Free Wheeeeeee: Nika Quirk, InterPlay board president offers “We’re Alive” InterPlay on the phone each Monday morning. Register and get the call-in number and PIN so you can call in each and any week. NIKA, YOU ARE ONE IN A MILLION!

I also thank the people who lift InterPlay up by doing similar work! All are ONE IN A MILLION!

Applied Improvisation Network:
They spread the transforming power of improvisation through chapters and a conference. Great people open to all kinds of improv, they are a community of practitioners and clients who value the use of improvisation skills in organizations to improve relationships, increase authenticity, promote spontaneity, foster trust, build communities of practice. Listen here to Nick Owen’s keynote on storytelling and heart.

Apocryphile Press: John Mabry believes in promoting work that doesn’t quite make it in the “canon.” He published my memoir, Chasing the Dance of Life.

Art Cart:
Lauren and Lisa founded Art is Moving to provide art that reduces the distance between strangers and opens the doors of the art world wide open. In July their Art Cart created 1200 works of art on the street. See it documented in this book!

Art and Soul Radio:
Catherine Foster and Sheryl Allen interviewed Sharon Bowman and me. Two gals gung ho about creative spirit.

Carolyn North included us on Green Visions radio and shares healing improvisations at InterPlayce.

Conscious Dancer Magazine: Mark and Aspen give a face to movement as a life practice! InterPlay advertises and shares articles. This month they reviewed my newest book, Dance: The Sacred Art.

Creative Everyday: Leah Piken Kolidas blogs her artwork, thoughts on living a creative life, and hosts challenges: The Creative Every Day Challenge and the Art Every Day Month Challenge. InterPlay was featured in August.

Kudo-Malawi/ One World Children’s Fund: Visit Masankho Banda’s village, Tukumbo, and meet his dad. The village needs goats, seed, scholarships and more. Donate online. Lillie Barrows is the champion helping us contribute!

MuseCubes: Gretchen Wegner’s MuseCubes are used in classrooms, with grandkids, boards, and spiritual directees.

Skylight Paths Publishing gave InterPlay a shot in the arm with excellent editorial support and publishing. They share spirituality from a variety of traditions.

Transforming Rage: Ruth King promotes joy with an offer of 10 Ways to Avoid Holiday Rage!

Last, three sources that inspire me on the web:

Coach Broyles Playbook for Alzheimer’s: Trynn, an Alzheimer specialist, pointed me to this simple, wise, playbook for one of the hardest games around.

Exuberant Animal: Frank Forencich founded a natural fitness practice and is a devout researcher of all things “body.” His article  No body is an island: a new formula for health is a winner!

Pronoia: Rob Brezny’s astrological falderall continue to promote the opposite of paranoia.

And, lastly, you. YOU’RE ONE IN A MILLION! YOU COUNT! Thanks for playing! Who knew that a little more play could matter so much?

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